We protect families financially by preserving the value of your assets from the unexpected costs of a serious illness, disability, long term care need or premature death.

As your situation and plans change over time, we can work together to ensure that the proper protection is in place, complimentary to your existing coverage and based on a personal needs analysis that is specific to your objectives.

Careful consideration should be made when creating and implementing your wealth protection plan. We invite you to make an appointment with us today so that we can ensure your plan is structured to achieve your goals.

Life Coverage

Losing a family member at any time is particularly devastating. There is nothing that can reduce the emotional impact of such a huge loss. We can, however, help the survivors with the resulting financial hardships.

The purpose of life insurance is to provide a measure of financial security for your family after your death. Before purchasing any life coverage you should consider your financial situation and the standard of living you want to maintain for your family.

Income replacement, mortgage and debt repayment, final expenses, education funds and leaving a legacy for your loved ones are some of the items we discuss when creating your estate plan.

For most families, life insurance needs change over time, this is why there are a variety of life coverage products available, we can review these together.

Older couple celebrating birthday
Man doing paperwork in a cafe

Income Replacement

For most of us, our largest asset is the ability to work and earn income for our families for years to come. Anyone who works to earn an income and depends on this income to pay for their living and lifestyle expenses faces a serious financial risk, if they are unable to continue.

The onset of a disability can negatively impact your financial goals and dreams by significantly reducing household income. Consequently, saving levels and debt repayments are affected, resulting in a financial shortfall for your goals and dreams.

By calculating your basic income needs and considering your Canada Pension Disability and/or Group coverage amounts we can determine a personal benchmark from which to start your plan. Benefits are usually provided on a monthly basis so that you can maintain your standard of living and continue to pay your regular expenses.

A personalized income replacement plan keeps families in their homes, children off to university, mortgage and debts repaid and retirement plans on track.

Serious Illness

Contracting a serious illness or disease can be devastating for both your emotional and financial health. If you find yourself unable to work due to failing health, you may be unable to pay for basic needs or necessary medical care, adding stress about money to worries about your health.

Critical illness protection is designed to alleviate some additional expenses should you find yourself facing a life-threatening health problem. Unlike income replacement coverage, critical illness plans pay a lump sum tax-free benefit to be used as needed upon diagnosis of an approved illness.

The use of this benefit is completely up to you. It can be used for out-of-town family members to visit, house cleaners, medical treatments, medical equipment, home repairs/modification, living expenses, even final vacations with family or friends.

The majority of critical illness claims are for heart attack, stroke and cancer diagnosis but they also cover other health issues depending on the policy details.

These types of plans allow you to focus on getting well and being with family and friends rather than worrying about making ends meet when you have additional health care costs.

Man laughing while holding a mug
Grandparent and grandson playing with blocks

Long Term Care

Protecting your financial dreams against the costs of long term care is another way to assist you in achieving your goals.

With longer life spans, one threat to your estate is the risk of requiring long term care later in life. The cost of care in a facility or special treatment in your home can be substantial and is not likely to be fully covered through our provincial health plan.

Long term care insurance can help fund these costs without eroding your assets. Typically it pays a benefit for each week you qualify. This usually means you have an inability to perform at least two activities of daily living or because of cognitive impairment.

If you would like to have an open discussion about your health care planning, costs and coverage during retirement, please feel welcome to contact us and start the conversation.

Health and Dental

Personal and Group extended health and dental plans are available depending on your needs.

These plans are in addition to your MSP coverage, and can be customized to suit your coverage level requirements.

Additional coverage can be helpful in spreading out the costs for unexpected bills from the dentist, pharmacist, optometrist, chiropractor, therapist and many others.

Determining the current cost of your medical expenses and the type and amount of coverage you would like is a good place for us to start, when reviewing these options.

Young woman laughing
Man smiling in workshop

Private Health Service Plans

For incorporated companies, limited companies or sole proprietorships, private health service plans can be a cost effective way to provide some coverage for you and your employees.

These plans allow you to expense your medical and dental costs through your company which then make them a tax deductible expense.

You can decide how to spend your healthcare dollars; there are no health qualifications or waiting periods to start the plan.

Private Health Service Plans are another tool we can use to increase your after-tax income.

Travel Insurance

If you are planning a trip out-of-province, don’t leave home without travel health insurance. As a client, you have access to IPC Travel through SecuriGlobe; your best travel insurance advisor – with a unique expertise in the travel insurance industry, particularly in the retiree and snowbird market. SecuriGlobe is accredited by the most competitive insurers in Canada, meaning a single call is all you need to compare the products and rates of 15 of the largest insurers.

The travel insurance products available include:

  • Single trip daily plans
  • Multi-trip annual plans
  • Canada-only plans
  • Emergency medical, paramedical or hospital care
  • Baggage insurance (loss or delay)
  • Trip cancellation or interruption
  • Coverage for expatriates, foreign
    students, or visitors to Canada
  • Special risks insurance
  • Accident and flight accident insurance
    (death or dismemberment)
Friends overlooking scenic cliff

Mortgage Life Insurance

Did you know the following facts about mortgage and creditor insurance offered through banks and trust companies?

  1. They are 'age banded' and may increase your rates as you enter the higher age bands. The premium that the bank quotes you may be valid for only one year.
  2. These insurance programs do not offer contractually guaranteed rates. The insurer may increase their rates at any time depending on the experience of the program; the insurance carriers expense factor, the market interest rates, etc.
  3. The program can be canceled with thirty days notice, potentially leaving you without mortgage life insurance coverage.
  4. Coverage terminates if you move your mortgage to another lending institution due to more competitive rates. Once again, this may leave you without insurance coverage.
  5. Creditor mortgage coverage does not leave you the option of taking the death benefit in a lump sum cash payment and continue paying the mortgage if due to high investment rates, it is more advantageous to invest the cash rather than pay off the mortgage.
  6. It also does not allow you the option of retaining the insurance coverage past the point in time that the mortgage is paid off.
  7. Unlike an individual TERM LIFE INSURANCE contract, creditor mortgage coverage is not a legal contract that can only be terminated by you.
  8. If a spouse dies prematurely, the other spouse is automatically no longer insured.
  9. When a mortgage is retired early through a bank or trust company, a penalty is assessed. This penalty generally equals approximately three months interest. This penalty cannot be insured as part of the 'creditor mortgage' coverage offered by banks and trust companies. However, it can be insured as part of an individual term insurance policy.
  10. Under creditor life coverage 'impaired risks' are not offered coverage at a rated premium should a health condition be present. Generally, if any of the health questions are answered 'yes' on the creditor's application, coverage is automatically denied - no additional underwriting takes place! Individual policies offer further investigation into the history and current status of the health condition and, in most cases, can often offer coverage at a slightly higher than normal premium.

What you should do
We recommend that you purchase Individual Term Life Coverage for your mortgage in the event of premature death.

The advantages to Individual Term Life are:

  1. Premium remains consistent for the term of your policy.
  2. Coverage will never decline even as you pay down your mortgage.
  3. In the event of premature death, your beneficiaries can either pay off the mortgage right away or invest the money - it's their choice!
  4. You can keep the coverage even after you pay off your mortgage.
  5. Only you can cancel the policy - not the institution that holds your insurance.
  6. The insurance company does a full underwriting before the policy is issued.
  7. If policies are purchased on each person's life and one spouse dies prematurely, the other spouse is still insured.

Free Quotes

If you would like a free quote on Individual Term Life Coverage for your mortgage insurance, please contact our office